Educators can now use spreadsheets to bulk edit existing student accounts (template found here). Educators must have access to student data in their account settings in order to bulk edit or upload students. 

You can find support for bulk creating student accounts here, and individual accounts here.

To import student accounts, click on your name, then select 'School Account.' Under Data Imports, select 'Import Students'.

Step 1: Create the CSV

In order to bulk edit information for student accounts, you will need both the student ID and email address. You can edit any uploaded fields in the initial account creation, and these added fields (columns):

  • Father's Education: highest level of education attained by student's biological father
  • Mother's Education: highest level of education attained by student's biological mother
  • First Generation: a student is considered first generation if they come from a family where their biological parents did not complete a four year degree
  • Telephone: Student's primary phone number.
  • Race/ethnicity: Student's affiliation with a particular group based on racial, cultural, religious or other traits they have in common.
  • Assigned Counselor: This counselor’s information is sent to colleges with student’s application documents; each student can only have one assigned counselor and it must be an educator at the school. This is a necessary step for students to link their Common App and Overgrad accounts. This field will not impact caseloads in Overgrad.
  • Any Custom Fields: these should be created prior to uploading any data for this field. 

Step 2: Set Headings

Indicate which columns you've included in your spreadsheet to update student account information. 

Step 3: Map Values

Make sure the values you've entered in your CSV match the terms we use in our system. 

Updates will override any information already in Overgrad, so we recommend only including the students with information you want to update in your spreadsheet (rather than your entire student list). 

Step 4: Process File

The final step is to process the file, where you have the option to opt-in or opt-out of sending the welcome email to studnets. The welcome email will prompt them to activate their Overgrad accounts.