This feature is only available to Overgrad Pro customers. Please connect with an Overgrad rep if you are interested in learning more.

When viewing your student list, you can filter your students in a number of different ways, including academic and demographic data, or progress aligned to specific milestones and actions. 

To access your student list, select View Student List from the Students dropdown menu

Next, select your list by clicking on the ... menu
Here are some helpful articles on the default and custom student lists, if needed.

Click on any of the pills to filter the student list

  • Grad Years: Select by graduation year, current 9-12 students are automatically selected on the student list
  • Student: Search for students by name using a predictive text search bar
  • Counselor: Select by assigned counselor
  • High School: Select by high school, only available for district level educators

To apply other filters, click on the advanced filters pill

First, click the Add a Condition button

Then, select the Field from the dropdown menu; you can scroll and select or type in your field

If you select a text field, you'll choose the condition from the dropdown menu

Then click save

If you select a numeric field, you'll have additional options for conditions. Choose the condition from the dropdown menu

Then enter the value and click save

To apply multiple advanced filters at once, click on the Add a Condition button below your first filter

To remove a single filter, click on Advanced Filters pill

Then, click on the next to the filter you want to remove, and click save

If you want to remove all filters, click on reset filters to return to the initial student list. This will remove advanced filters and any other filter type applied to the list.