The process for adding students in bulk is described below.

First, you need to create a CSV file by either exporting data from your school or district’s Student Information System (PowerSchool, Tyler SIS, Infinite Campus, etc.) or manually inputting it.

 After creating your spreadsheet, follow these steps to create the student accounts:

1. Click on your profile dropdown menu and select School Account

2. Click on Import Students under the Data Imports section

3. Click on the Choose File button to select the CSV from your computer

4. You should now be on 2. Set Headers page. You will see a list of field names that you can map your data to in Overgrad. Below is an explanation of each column:

Field name in Overgrad: This is the descriptive name of the field in Overgrad’s system. Any field marked with an asterisk (*) must be mapped to a column within the CSV you have loaded.
Example of data in Overgrad: This column contains examples of the format of the field within Overgrad’s system.
Select the matching column in your CSV: Here you are required to select the column header that contains the data that maps to the designated Overgrad field. You will not be able to progress if a row with an asterisk (*) does not have a selected value in this column. Leave a selection box blank if your CSV does not contain data on an optional field.

In the example below, the CSV contained a header named “school” that corresponds to Overgrad’s “High School” field

5. Select Submit. If the page does not advance to 3. Map Values, you failed to set the header for a required row. Please double check your selections and select Submit again.

6. The Map Values step is where you can map the specific values in a field to Overgrad’s accepted values. In order for Overgrad to correctly process the information in your CSV, you will need to map your values to Overgrad’s values on this page. Leave a selection box blank if your CSV value does not map to an accepted Overgrad value. Select Submit after mapping your CSV values to Overgrad’s accepted values.

In the example below, the CSV had a value of “Comer College Prep” under the school header, and was mapped to Overgrad’s accepted value “Gary Comer College Prep”.

7. If you are ready to load and process your file, select Process File. Navigate to previous sections of the upload process by selecting the step in the header. Please note, you will not be able to process a file if you have another file that is currently being processed.


You can monitor the status of any files you have uploaded into Overgrad by revisiting the ADD STUDENT section and selecting Upload History. You can download and analyze any errors that Overgrad encountered in processing your file on this page.