This article will walk you through how to delete a student account. Please note that any data associated to student account cannot be retrieved once the account is deleted and accounts currently synced to a Common App account should not be deleted prior to contacting [email protected]. Additionally, the option to "Delete Student Account" will only be present for educators who have Account Manager access. 


1. Login to your educator account.

2. Search for the student's name using the top search bar, or find the student under "View Student List" 

3. If you are viewing the student's profile, click the 3 dots ( . . . ) next to the student's name. If you are viewing the student list, you'll find the . . . on the right side of the page. Then click "Delete Student Account". Prior to deleting the student account, please ensure that it is not currently synced to a student's Common App account by checking Application Manager for the student profile. If they are connected please contact [email protected] prior to deleting the account so that we may unlink their accounts.

4. A popup will ask you to confirm the deletion. Click "OK".

This student has now been deleted from your school account.