This feature is only available to Overgrad Pro customers. Please connect with an Overgrad rep if you are interested in learning more.
Pathways combine different parts of postsecondary goals and future interests into a single, streamlined plan.
Creating a New Pathway
To create a new pathway, go to the My Future dropdown menu and select My Pathways
Next, click on the blue + Create a New Pathway button
From here you'll be able to select from which component you want to start: college/university, major, career, or non-college program. Click on the corresponding text and icon to start your pathway.
For your first selection, you will be able to choose from anything you've saved or followed in that category
or start from scratch by typing to search for a specific item in that category
Once you make your choice, click Next
Your selection will determine the options for the next categories. For example, if you build a pathway starting with a career, you'll only be able to choose majors or programs related to that career:
The career selection impacts which majors you can choose for your pathway
Continue to make selections until you finish. If you're not sure about a certain choice, you can skip that category:
Once you make all of your selections, you'll be prompted to name your pathway. Choose a name and click Next
Finally, click the Save Pathway button
Editing or Deleting a Pathway
To edit or delete a pathway, find it on your pathways list, then click the ... menu to make the desired changes
Comparing Pathways
Once you've created more than one pathway, you can use the sort and filter dropdown menus to rearrange the pathways on your page. If you're curious about the different terms and data displayed, you can learn more about pathways data and calculations here.
You can rank and reorder your pathways manually using the navigation tool at the left of the pathway
Or set your top pathway using the ... menu on the pathway
Your top three pathways will display on your dashboard