This feature is only available to Overgrad Pro customers. Please connect with an Overgrad rep if you are interested in learning more. 

Personalized calculations for each pathway make this feature especially unique. Overgrad uses a combination of publicly available data for each pathways component and student self-reported data to calculated each unique component of each pathway, as such, metrics will appear different for different students. Find explanations of each metric, along with data sources, below. 

You can click on the definitions of Pathways and ROI, which appear and linked boxes just below your name on the pathways page:

Comparison Terms

Informational Icons (the white question mark in the grey circle) provide explanations of each term within a pathway:

Sorting and Filtering

You can use sort and filter dropdown menus to reorder the pathways based on specific characteristics. 

Data Sources

Overgrad uses the following public resources to calculate comparison terms:

  • IPEDS: used to calculate net price, time to credential, completion rate, and debt repay
  • ONET: used to calculate ROI, average pay, total net price, and debt repay
  • BLS: used to calculate ROI, average pay, total net price, and debt repay

Overgrad incorporates the following self-reported data and information

  • Race/Ethnicity: used to calculate completion rate
  • Estimated Family Income: used to calculate ROI, net price, and debt repay
  • Financial Aid Award Letters: used to calculate ROI, net price, and debt repay
  • Program Data: includes options to enter information for completion rate, estimated yearly salary after program completion, average debt repayment after ten years, and related careers. While these fields are not required, any data entered will populate within a pathway containing that program.