This feature is only available to Overgrad customers. Please connect with an Overgrad rep if you are interested in learning more. 

Notes and tasks can now be added or assigned in bulk from the student list. Use this guide for help setting up a custom student list, and this guide for more details about tasks. 

To add tasks and notes in bulk, go to the students dropdown and select View Student List

Next, choose your student list from Overgrad's defaults or your saved options by click on the ellipses next students, or add filters to create your own custom list

From your custom student list, click the open box next to the students for whom you want to bulk add a note or bulk assign a task

If you select the open box in the header column, this will select all students; if there are more than 100 students in your student list with your current filters, this will select all students on the page

Next, click the ellipses on the "# students selected" pop up

Then select Add Note,  Add Task, or Send Message

Based on your selection, the Note, Task, or Message popup will appear. Create the note, task, or message, then click save or send

Notes and tasks must be edited or deleted individually. Messages cannot be unsent.