About this support article: 

This article reviews how educators can upload and send college application fee waivers for student who have requested them. 

Video Overview | Linked Here

For all fee waiver requests  

  • Log into your Overgrad Account 
  • Using the top menu options, navigate to Application Manager > Documents
  • Apply the following filters to more easily identify requested fee waivers: 
    • Document Types > Fee Waivers
    • Document Status > Requested 

    For requests linked to Common App schools 

  • Click on the student request to show more details, then click on the blue "Complete Request" option, or

    click on the " . . . " and click "Complete Request"

  • Educator will be prompted to complete the fee waiver form

    • You will have to select at least one option for why a student qualifies for the Fee Waiver
    • If the student does not qualify you must still select that the student Does Not Meet any of the Requirements above. This will remove the Fee Waiver from all of the student’s Common App applications.  

    For requests linked to non-Common App schools

  • To upload the requested document
    • click on the student request to show more details, then click on the blue "Complete Request" option, or
    • click on the " . . . " and click "Complete Request" 
  • Once the request document(s) are uploaded, the status of the document should change from requested to ready

Sending Documents that are Ready 

  • Navigate to Application Manager > Application using the top menu, or by clicking the Applications tab next to the Documents manager 
  • To help streamline what documents are ready to be sent, feel free to apply the following fitlers: 
    • Document Status > Ready
    • any other filters that help you streamline your work 
  • To send these documents to the college(s), you can: 
    • Bulk Send: click the check box in the top left corner of the table to select all documents that are ready, then hit the blue "Bulk Send" button. This will only send documents that are indicated as status ready. 
    • By Application: select the check box for each application you would like to send documents to, then hit the blue "Bulk Send" button at the top. You can also click on the ". . . " on the right side of the table and send documents by application here too. 
    • By Document: expand any individual application to see all the documents attached to that college application by click on it. Then you can click on the ". . . " to send any each document that is ready. 
  • Note: pay close attention to the icon next to the college name which displays the preferred send method for documents. Some colleges may still require physical copies of documents via mail or you may be prompted to include an email recipient for others. 

As a reminder, any action can take under the Application Manager tools, you can also do from the Applications Manager tab located in each individual student's profile.