After you complete an upload in Overgrad, you will immediately be shown the status of the upload and if your data was successfully processed. 

In instances in which your data generated an error, we will provide steps to identify and fix the problem.

Any files that encountered errors while being processed by Overgrad will be marked by a  .  

You can also download a file to see which specific rows generated the error, and what the specific error was. To do this, click the Download Errors link next to the upload in question.

Any row with an error was not loaded into Overgrad. Any row that is not included in the error file was loaded into Overgrad.

Common Error Types
Missing or Invalid Value for Score
Here is a line for an error file after a school tried to load National Test Scores:

As you can see, the error (listed under errors) is that the score of 0 is an invalid score on the ACT Plan. This issue should be addressed and reuploaded with the appropriate value.

Missing or Invalid Value for Student

Here is a line for an error file after a school tried to load GPAs:

This student ID is not valid because a student account with this ID does not exist. To resolve this issue, you will first need to create a student account with this corresponding ID, and then reupload this report. 

Student ID Already Assigned to Another Student in the District

Here is a line for an error file after a school tried to bulk create student accounts:

An account using this ID number already exists. In order to resolve this issue, the administrator either needs to update this student ID number, or, if another account with this number was created as a mistake, delete the initial student account and reupload with the correct student ID.

Email Can't be Blank

Here is a line for an error file after a school tried to bulk create student accounts::

As you can see, there is no email address entered in cell D3. To correct this error, the administrator should enter the student's email address and reupoload with the correct information. 

Email has Already been Taken

Here is a line for an error file after a school tried to bulk create student accounts:

An account using this email address already exists. In order to resolve this issue, the administrator either needs to update this student email address, or, if another account with this email address was created as a mistake, delete the initial student account and reupload with the correct student email address