1. First time user or individual account

  • Visit overgrad.com and click "Sign Up" on the top right corner. Enter your email, create your password, and then agree to the Terms of Use. 
  • Create an account as a "Independent Education Consultant"
  • Read and accept the Terms of Use, and Privacy Policy, and Payment Policy.

  • Lastly, enter a few pieces of professional contact info so parents are able to get in touch with you. You will then be able to log-in to your account. 

Note: If you have already been approved as an IEC by an Overgrad team member, you will have full access to the marketplace. If you are completely new to Overgrad, you will need to complete a vetting and approval process before listing your services. A team member should be in touch with you shortly after creating your account, and you can also reach out to us directly at [email protected] to inquire about your status of approval.