1. Log into your Overgrad account

2. Select School Account from your profile dropdown menu

3. Select Course Planner from the Account Setup section 

4. In the Course Planner go to View/Edit Courses and select Manage

4. In this view, you will see all courses available. Use the filters at the top to narrow your course list or quickly find the course you're looking to delete:

5. Once you find the course you're looking to delete, use the dropdown menu on the left of the course name and select Delete Course

6. Once you select Delete Course, you will see a pop up window alerting you that deleting the course will also delete it from students' course planners. If you still wish to delete the course, select OK

7. The course is now deleted. 

8. If you don't want to completely delete the course from students' course planners, but if it is no longer offered, you can choose to edit the course instead. From the drop down, instead of selecting Delete Course, choose Edit Course

9. From this screen, you can change the grade levels in which the course if offered. If you want to keep the course on students' course plans, but not allow additional students to add the course, deselect all grade levels by clicking on the blue check mark. 

10. Once you have deselected all grade levels, select save. 

11. You have now successfully edited the course so that students can no longer add it to their course plans, without impacting existing course plans.