Educators use the top navigation bar dropdown menus to access Overgrad tools and features. This article will review each dropdown option and functionality moving from left to right across the navigation bar. Some features are only available to Overgrad Pro customers, or Pro customers with specific account types and levels of access. Please connect with an Overgrad rep if you are interested in learning more. Please use relevant support guides for more details on using any of these features. 


Overgrad's homepage for all educators is the student list. To get to the homepage, click on the Overgrad icon in the top left corner of the top navigation bar. 

Clicking on the Overgrad icon will take you back to the student list that you most recently viewed. You can use the menu on the left column to navigate between different default and custom student lists.


The Students dropdown menu allows educators to view and add students.

  • Clicking View Student List takes you to a student roster that includes all current students at your organization with Overgrad accounts. 
  • Clicking Add a student allows you to create an individual student account.

Application Manager

The Application Manager dropdown menu allows educators to view, complete, and send documents for seniors' college applications.

  • Clicking Applications takes you to the applications tab to send documents.
  • Clicking Documents takes you to the documents tab to complete and upload documents.
  • Clicking My Recommendations takes you to the recommendations section to view, cancel or accept, and complete requested letters of recommendation.


The Communication dropdown menu allows educators to send, log, and track contact with students.

  • Clicking Mass Messages allows you to view messages sent to groups of students. 
  • Clicking Senior Survey allows you to view survey completion for current seniors.
  • Clicking Milestones takes you to the Milestones page where you can view and edit milestones and track, updates, or export milestone completion.
  • Clicking Interactions allows you to view, delete, or export all logged interactions. 


The Search dropdown menu allows educators to view all searchable resources in Overgrad.

  • Clicking Colleges allows you to a search all colleges in Overgrad
  • Clicking Careers allows you to a search all careers in Overgrad
  • Clicking Programs allows you to a search all programs entered by your district in Overgrad
  • Clicking Scholarships allows you to use to search for scholarships

Data & Reports

The Date & Reports dropdown menu allows educators to view, customize, and export tracking features and tools.

  • Clicking Prioritize Applications takes you to a table view of all active applications
  • Clicking College Application Metrics takes you to a series of charts and graphs to track application submission and compare application details
  • Clicking College List Metrics takes you to a series of charts and graphs to compare details of the different schools students have followed
  • Clicking College & Admission Charts takes you to a map and lists to view most popular colleges among your students
  • Clicking Custom Reports allows you to view, build, edit, and export data in Overgrad.


The Notifications icon will display the number of new notifications. Clicking the icon will expand the notifications in more detail. 


The Profile dropdown menu allows educators to view and edit personal and school settings, access resources and help, or log out.

  • Clicking My Account takes you to your account section to manage preferences for yourself or your school or district. These preferences are split into two sections: personal settings and school settings.
  • Clicking School Account takes you to a series of menu options to create and manage accounts, upload data, set up API and/or SIS integration, manage courses and graduation requirements, and upload the school profile.
  • Clicking Support takes you to a series of menu options to access lesson materials and informational resources or get in touch with the Overgrad team.
  • Clicking Log Out will log you out of your Overgrad account.