This feature is only available to Overgrad for Success customers. Please connect with an Overgrad rep if you are interested in learning more. You can view our full onboarding guide for Overgrad for Success here.

Sending Text Messages in Bulk

From the alumni student list, select specific students by clicking on the check box next to their name, or all students by selecting the box next to the student header. Once the appropriate students are selected, click the ... menu

Next, click Send Message

Write the message in the text box and select Send text (we recommend also selecting Send email to ensure all students receive the message)

All students who have opted into text messaging will receive the message via text. 

Sending Text Messages to Individual Students

Individual messages are sent from the student overview page. To access a specific student, either click on their name from a student list or from the top navigation search bar. From their alumni profile (indicated with a purple oval containing the word ALUMNI next to the student name), click on Messages

Write the message and click on configure at the bottom of the message window

Select Send text in the pop up and click save

Opting In

Only students that opt into texting will receive text messages. Students can opt into texting in multiple ways:

  • Students can opt into texting when activating an account associated with an organization/district using Overgrad for Success
  • If the student already has an active account, they can log into their Overgrad account and opt into texting by providing their cellphone number
  • If student accounts won't be used directly by students (used primarily for tracking and data management) students can text START to the organization's assigned number. Student's phone numbers must still be entered on their profile to ensure their numbers are associated to their accounts. 


Strong Practices

Twilio provides some recommendations to prevent messages from getting blocked by cellular carriers, and Mongoose provides a comprehensive planning guide with specific examples of high impact text messages.