This feature is only available to Overgrad Pro customers. Please connect with an Overgrad rep if you are interested in learning more.

This section of Overgrad will be helpful in supporting you to keep track of your financial aid applications as well as help you compare your financial aid award letters once you receive them.

In order to update the status of your financial aid applications, navigate to this page by going to Applications in your main menu and selecting Financial Aid.

Once on this page you will be presented with the following three tables:

The first table titled, "Financial Aid Application", will allow you to update the status of your FAFSA, or an alternative financial aid application if your state provides one. You may edit this section by clicking the pencil in the upper right hand corner of the table. You may come back into this section as you make progress on your application or if you need to change any information. Make sure to scroll down to the bottom and hit Save every time you make an edit.

The second table titled, "CSS Profile", will allow you to update the status of your CSS Profile. The CSS Profile is a financial aid application utilized by some colleges and scholarships to determine your eligibility for non-federal financial aid. The table will inform you if any of the college applications you have added require the CSS (it is always a good idea to check the institution website for the most up to date requirements). You may edit this section by clicking the pencil in the upper right hand corner of the table. Answer the questions as they apply to you and make sure to scroll down to the bottom and hit Save every time you make an edit.

The third table titled, "Family Contribution", will automatically fill in some of the information from the first table you filled out, "Financial Aid Application". The only field you will edit in this section is your MAX family contribution. When we refer to your MAX family contribution, we mean the maximum amount your family would be able to contribute to your college education each year. It may be as low as zero and as high as the full cost of attendance. It is important to have this number in case it is substantially different from your FAFSA calculated Expected Family Contribution or Student Aid Index. You may edit this section by clicking the pencil in the upper right hand corner of the table. Fill in your answer after discussing with your family and make sure to scroll down to the bottom and hit Save every time you make an edit.

The final section of this page will allow you to conduct your Financial Aid Analysis. If you do not see the ability to input your financial aid award letters, remember that you may only enter award letters for colleges you have been accepted to; if you're unsure how to change your application status, click here for detailed directions.

For additional resources and support, check out our articles on entering and comparing financial aid award letters.