This feature is only available to Overgrad Pro customers. Please connect with an Overgrad rep if you are interested in learning more. 

Students can now access the Big Five Personality Assessment directly in their Overgrad profile. 

Taking the Assessment

Navigate to your profile page in Overgrad

Next, scroll to the Track Your Progress section and find the Big Five Personality Assessment, then click Take Assessment

You’ll answer 120 questions with five answer choices:

  • Very inaccurate: rarely true for you 
  • Somewhat inaccurate: mostly untrue for you
  • Neither inaccurate nor accurate: might be true roughly have the time
  • Somewhat accurate: mostly true for you 
  • Very accurate: almost always true for you. 

Answer as best as you can, remember that no one else sees your answers, and your results will only be as accurate as the answers that you provide. 

You must answer all 120 questions in one sitting; your progress will not be saved if you stop the assessment prior to submitting your responses. 

Once you have completed all the questions, click the blue “submit” button

Reviewing Your Results or Retaking the Assessment

Once you've completed the Big Five Personality Assessment, you can view your results or retake the assessment from your profile page. 

On your profile page, you'll now see the option to View Results or Retake the Assessment

Your results will be organized by each of the big five personality traits, showing you how you compare to the median scores of others who have take the test:

A description of general qualities and characteristics scoring low or high in that category, a detailed description of low, average, and high scorers, and potential career matches for those scoring low or high in that category.