Adding course requirements can help students assess their progress towards graduation requirements while using their course planner. Only account managers can update course requirements. 

1. Log into your Overgrad account

2. Select School Account from your profile dropdown menu

3. Select Course Planner from the Account Setup section 

4. Navigate to manage course requirements:

If you are a district account manager, select the high school for which you want to enter the requirement; if you are a high school account manager, you'll be directed to your high school's course requirements page. Then you'll add a new requirement by selecting the corresponding button:

If you're trying to set a maximum number of courses that students can take, you'll set a requirement like this (this example will allow students to register for 8, 10 credit courses each school year):

We'll display the requirement in bold at the top of the page as you adjust settings for each requirement:

Here's the completed example, if students must take a science course their freshman, sophomore, and junior year:

Make sure to click the green Save button before navigating away from the page:

You can then edit or delete requirements from the main course requirements screen in the course planner:

You'll receive a pop up message to confirm a deletion if you're trying to remove a course requirement and will need to click "okay" in order to delete the requirement.