This feature is only available to Overgrad Pro customers. Please connect with an Overgrad rep if you are interested in learning more.
Admissions Insights provides students with an analysis of their college list based on school goals and information typically relevant information that students and families consider when making decisions about their postsecondary plans. Admissions Insights will change as students' GPA and test scores change, and as students change and rank the colleges on their My Colleges list. Although this tool provides valuable information, it only provides automated, albeit individualized, guidance, so we recommend students review this with their counselor and family to make sure to incorporate unique scenarios and goals.
Students can access their Admissions Insights report in two ways:
From the top navigation, students can go to My Future and then select Admissions Insights:
this option is only available if students have added at least five schools to their My Colleges list
Additionally, from My Colleges, students can simply click on the Analyze my college list button
How it Works
Admissions Insights uses information about the student and the student's My Colleges list to generate the report.
Students must have at least five colleges on their My Colleges list to generate the report. If they are following fewer than five colleges, the Analyze my college list button won't be clickable, and an information pop up will appear:
We use student's GPA and test scores to predict admissions outcomes; without these data points, our ability to create a robust report is quite limited.
Two additional components, Ethnicity and Family Income, help us provide more individualized information regarding graduation rates and net cost. While these fields aren't necessary to run the report, we highly recommend that students input this information to receive a more personalized and accurate analysis.
Key Information
The information provided in Admissions Insights is grouped in six different tabs:
- About the Report: This tab explains the report in student-facing terms, detailing the information we use and how it can help them with their exploration and decision making.
- GPA Prediction: We use student's current GPA and graduation year to calculate their GPA at graduation based on various combinations of grades they could earn. While this feature is available in our GPA tool on student's profiles, this report shows all potential grade combinations and outcomes in a single table:
- Our Analysis: We analyze the student's My Colleges across six factors. If students are missing pertinent information, they can edit their data from the Edit my data link at the top of this section.
Each subtitle includes hyperlinked text "Why does this matter?" that students can click to learn more about the potential importance or value of this factor:
- Academic Fit: We use goals set by the school or district to help students assess and analyze their list, both based on total number of applications and application types. In the absence of school/district goals, we advise students based on common best practices.
- In-state vs Out-of-state: We use the address of the high school at which the student is enrolled to determine in and out of state colleges, which are displayed as blue dots on a map of the United States. Clicking on one of the dots will create a text box on the map with the institution name, academic fit, institution type, enrollment, and a link to the website.
- Distance from home: Using the high school's address, we generate a chart comparing the distance to each postsecondary institution in miles. Clicking on the menu on the upper right corner of the chart allows students to print or save this visual.
- School Characteristics: Using institution type and size, we identify trends to highlight student's potential preferences. We display undergraduate enrollment on horizontal bar chart, similar to the "Distance from home" chart.
- Net Price: We use student's self-reported family income to generate the average annual cost for each institution. This is displayed on a horizontal bar chart. If family income is not reported, then we simply use a general average.
- Graduation Rates: We highlight the highest graduation rate among the student's My Colleges list, compare this graduation rate to the national average, and display the graduation rates of the student's top 15 schools in a horizontal bar chart. If the student has entered their ethnicity, this section will show graduation rates specific to the student's ethnicity; if the student has not entered their ethnicity, this section will show average graduation rates.
- Academic Fit: We use goals set by the school or district to help students assess and analyze their list, both based on total number of applications and application types. In the absence of school/district goals, we advise students based on common best practices.
- Graphs & Data: This section includes charts comparing the top 15 schools on a student's My Colleges list, some of which are the same as what's presented in the Our Analysis section.
- Academic Fit: same as in the Our Analysis section
- Middle 50% GPA Ranges: displays a range of GPAs of the middle 50% of students that were admitted to each school. If the student has entered their GPA, it will show as a dotted red line on the chart
- Middle 50% ACT Ranges: displays a range of ACT scores of the middle 50% of students that were admitted to each school. If the student has entered their ACT score, it will show as a dotted red line on the chart.
- Middle 50% SAT Ranges: displays a range of SAT scores of the middle 50% of students that were admitted to each school. If the student has entered their SAT score, it will show as a dotted red line on the chart
- Acceptance Rates: displays the percent of applicants admitted to each school in a horizontal bar chart.
- Distance from home: same as in the Our Analysis section
- Average cost of attendance: same as in the Our Analysis section
- Graduation Rates: same as in the Our Analysis section
- Undergraduate Enrollment: same as in the Our Analysis section
- Your Colleges: A more in depth review of the top 15 schools on a student's My Colleges list. First, we show each school on a map, and then display information about each college:
- Written overview of the institution
- Admissions stats integrated with student information
- Location and distance from home
- Average debt and monthly loan payments, if available
- Most common majors
- Tuition classification and difference between in state and out of state
- A link to the institution website
- Full Report: This single tab includes information from the previous five tabs in order. If you right click anywhere on this page and select print, you'll be able to print the full report with today's date, or save it as a PDF.