This feature is only available to Overgrad Pro customers. Please connect with an Overgrad rep if you are interested in learning more.

This article is designed for counselors, high school account managers, and district account managers. 

Explanation of Terms

There are lots of different words used to describe the likelihood of being admitted to different colleges depending on admissions requirements.  Here are the default terms we use: 

  • Likely: student's chance of admission is greater than 80% 
  • Target or Match: student's chance of admission is between 50% and 80%
  • Reach: student's chance of admission is between 20% and 50%
  • Far Reach : student's chance of admission is less than 20%

Calculating chance of admission

Each student's chance of admission depends on many factors, but our default equation uses the GPA and test scores for each student. This field is exportable and can be found under the field: College List - College List Probability of Acceptance

Customizing Admissibility Categories

The Overgrad team works with each customer (district or school) to make sure these categories reflect terms commonly used on their campus. Additionally, we can adjust the ranges for each category (e.g. adjusting "Far Reach" to 15% chances or less).

Additionally, we can customize the calculation of chance of admission to incorporate factors beyond GPA and test scores, and use historical data to make admissions insights more reflective of student experience at the school and district. We call this calculation the "match formula". If you would like to make adjustments to the match formula for your district, please have your district account manager reach out to us!