This feature is only available to Overgrad Pro customers. Please connect with an Overgrad rep if you are interested in learning more.

Tags allows counselors to share their knowledge about institutions with students, and also groups institutions that share common characteristics. Only district account managers can create and update or delete tags, but district or high school account managers can add and remove tags from institutions. Students, counselors, and high school and district account managers can view tags. 

Creating Tags

To create a new tag, district account managers will navigate to specific college page by using the Resources top navigation and choosing Colleges from the dropdown menu.

On the University Search page, find at least one institution for which you want to apply a new tag, using either the University Name search bar, or filters.  Select that institution by clicking on the name. 

On the institution page, you will now see a Tags section. To create a new tag, click on the +Add a Tag button

District account managers will have the option to apply a preexisting tag, or create a new tag. To create a new tag, select the +Create a New Tag option from the dropdown

A pop up window will appear. Type the name of the new tag in the text box and the click CREATE to save. 

The new tag will now appear on the institution page

Adding a Tag to an Institution

Both district and high school account managers can add existing tags to an institution. To add a tag, first find the institution to which you want to add the tag by using the Institution Search (see above). Once on the institution page, under the Tags heading, select the +Add a Tag button. 

Now, select the tag you want to add from the dropdown menu

The tag will now appear under the Tags heading on the institution page

Viewing Tags

Any user that can search for institutions can view tags. Tags are viewable on the institution page (shown above) and through college filters. If you're on an institution page and want to see other schools with the same tag, simply click on the tag name and a pop up window will appear. 

Removing Tags

Both district and high school account managers can remove tags from an institution. To remove a tag, first find the institution from which you want to remove the tag, either by using the Institution Search (see above) or Tags filter.

Once on the institution page, find the tag you want to remove and select the trashcan icon

The tag will no longer be visible on the institution page. 

Updating & Deleting Tags

Only district account managers can update (rename) or delete tags. To delete a tag, first find an institution with the tag you want to update or delete, either by using the Institution Search (see above) or Tags filter.

Once on the institution page, find the tag you want to delete or rename and click on the name of the tag

To update the tag name, type into the text box. To delete the tag, select the red DELETE TAG button. Please note that deleting the tag will remove it from ALL SCHOOLS that have been assigned that tag and remove it from the list of tags to add to universities.