
There are a number of reasons why a document may fail to send to Common App. Every time a document fails to send, Overgrad's support team will be notified so that we can investigate the issue. There are two cases, that require students to take action in their Common App account before we can try to send the documents gain.

Note for counselors: If an error requires student action and the student has completed the necessary steps to fix the issue, please email support@overgrad.com with the student name and email to let us know the action has been completed. We will then attempt to send the document(s) again.

Error List

Missing Error Description

If you see this message without a more detailed description of the error, that is something Overgrad will investigate. We will fix the issue and send the document, or reach out to you if any additional information is needed.

Incorrect CEEB

If you see this error message when completing a Counselor or Recommender Profile, it means that the CEEB code does not match the school that you entered. Correct the CEEB code and save the form.

File Exceeds Size Limit

If you see this error message, file that you uploaded is too large. Condense and resave the file to meet the 1.9 MB file size maximum. Once you have created and saved the updated file, replace the file attached to the form.

Incomplete Form Response

If you see this error message, required parts of the form, usually the academic ratings, were left blank. Review and complete all questions in the form and save the form. 

FERPA Waiver not complete in Common App

If you see this error message when attempting to send documents, the student has not completed the FERPA Waiver required by Common App. The student will need to login to Common App and complete the FERPA waiver before Overgrad can successfully send documents.

Instructions for students to complete their FERPA waiver in Common App

Counselor Assigned in Common App

If you receive this error message when attempting to send documents, the student has a counselor assignment in Common App. The student will need to remove the counselor assignment within Common App before Overgrad can successfully send documents.

Instructions for students to remove their counselor from Common App