This feature is only available to Overgrad Pro customers who have transcript sending enabled. Please connect with an Overgrad rep if you are interested in learning more. Settings can only be adjusted by the account manager.
- Click on the gear icon from the Application Manager
- Click on the School Profile tab of the application manager settings options
On this page you can upload your school profile . Please note, school profiles can only be added in PDF format and the file size must be less than 1.95MB. To upload your school profile, click on the blue Select File From Computer button.
- A modal (popup) will show. Locate the file that contains your school profile on your computer and click Open. After selecting your file, click Save
To view your uploaded profile, click the name of the file you uploaded for your school profile. To update your school profile, click on the grey pencil icon next to the name of the profile.
If you would like to automatically attach your school profile to each application that students submit, configure your application manager settings.