This support article reviews basics of creating and editing a report. 

The following reporting features are part of our Overgrad Pro Accounts. To learn more please contact an Overgrad representative at [email protected] or fill out this form and an team member will reach out shortly.

Creating and/or editing a report:


1. Choose the type of report or "category" you would like to run. In the example below student reports has been chosen.

2. To create a new report click the "+" button. To edit the current or existing report click the "edit" button.

3. Name your report and add the filters and fields that you would like to be included. 

In this example, I am generating a general student report that includes all students, which is why I am not filtering for any specific conditions. I am asking for the following fields to be included in the report: 

  • student first name
  • student last name
  • student graduation year
  • student ID number
  • student email address     

If I wanted this report to only include first generation students in the class of 2017, I would simply filter for the following conditions:

4. If you would like to save the report for future use, click "Save Report" and then click "Run Report".

Note: If saving a report, please make sure the name of your file is descriptive prior to saving. This will ensure you can easily find the report in the future.

5. You should see your report and have the ability to edit or export to CSV.

What if you: 

  • Forgot to include a field after you already ran a report? 

Simple, just edit your report.

  • Want to export this report to a CSV file? 

Click "Export to CSV".

  • Want to search for past reports?

Click the dropdown under "Saved Reports" to see other reports you have saved.